“The different Insurance Ombudsman offices in South Africa”
OSTI, the Ombudsman for Short-Term Insurance provides consumers with a free, efficient and fair dispute resolution mechanism, whether it is a bad claims experience, a rejected claim or a dispute between you and the insurer.
- deal’s with personal lines short-term insurance disputes including disputes relating to –
- Motor Insurance
- Homeowners insurance (buildings)
- Household insurance (contents)
- Cell phone insurance
- Travel insurance
- Disability insurance
- Credit protection insurance
- We also deal with commercial insurance for small businesses and sole proprietors.
Fais Ombudsman
The Ombud is appointed by the Minister of Finance, as provided for in section 21 of the FAIS Act. The Ombud must be a person who is qualified in law and who possesses adequate knowledge of the rendering of financial services. The FAIS Ombud deals with complaints submitted to the Office by a specific client against a financial services provider. “Complaint” refers to a specific complaint relating to a financial service rendered by a financial services provider or a representative of such provider to the complainant.